Minors and alcohol the biggest issue for law enforcement at SnowGlobe

The three-day SnowGlobe music festival in South Lake Tahoe attracts a young crowd with many college, and high school students in attendance. They enjoy the electronic music with DJs that are heard throughout the venue on the three stages.

What is also popular at the event is drinking. The trained staff that serves alcohol at SnowGlobe knows what to look for in the way of fake identification which is evident of the citations issued over the first two days at the festival.

"The under 21-year-olds that think they’re coming to SnowGlobe to drink are being unsuccessful," said South Lake Tahoe Police Lt. David Stevenson.

On day one, December 29, 2015, there were four arrests; three for public intoxication and one for carrying an illegal weapon on a college campus, which in this case happened to be a stun gun.

There were 34 citations issued: 27 to minors in possession of alcohol, 4 for fake I.D.s, 2 for narcotics possession (one with Methamphetamine and one had ketamine) and one for furnishing alcohol to a minor.

On December 30, it was much of the same thing.

On day two of SnowGlobe there were three arrests (1 for public intoxication, 1 for trespassing and 1 for minor in possession).

There were 78 citations issued: 48 for being a minor in possession of alcohol, 14 for open containers, 11 for having a fake I.D., 2 for minors purchasing alcoholic beverages, 1 for possession of marijuana and one parking violation.

There is a large presence of law enforcement at the festival including South Lake Tahoe Police, agents from Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), undercover officers and a trained event staff.