Volunteers still needed for South Lake Tahoe Science Fair

The 2nd annual South Lake Tahoe Science Expo will be held April 4-7 at Lake Tahoe Community College and volunteers are still needed to help make it another success.

The Science Expo provides over 30 hands-on science activities for upper elementary students to learn about science. This year's theme is Earth and Space Science.

All the activities will be ready to go and volunteers will be trained for their station, so no science background is needed. You might even learn something new while teaching the local youth!

There are morning and early afternoon shifts available for all four days, plus late afternoon shifts on April 5 for the public event.

Volunteers may attend an optional training session on April 3 from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m, but if you can't make it, organizers will also train volunteers the day of their shift. Plan on getting to the college 15-30 minutes prior your shift to allot enough time.

Dozens of spots are open so sign up for as many shifts as you would like at: http://tinyurl.com/SLTSciExpo17