Free virtual screening of award winning documentary Wilder than Wild: Fire, Forests, and the Future

The Tahoe Network of Fire Adapted Communities (Tahoe Network), with generous support from the Tahoe Fund, is hosting a free virtual screening of the award-winning documentary Wilder than Wild: Fire, Forests, and the Future through the Tahoe Art Haus & Cinema from June 5 - June 11, 2020.

Wilder than Wild is a one-hour documentary that reveals how fire suppressioand climate change have exposed Western landscapes to large, high-intensity wildfires. The film goes on to explore strategies that are being developed to help mitigate the impact of these fires.

The screening at Tahoe Art Haus & Cinema is part of a larger effort to engage communities in conversations about the future of wildfire. An online question and answer panel featuring both a local fire district representative and forest management expert will follow the screening on June 11 at 5:00 p.m.

The Tahoe Network recognizes the importance of building community awareness about mitigation strategies in this new age of wildfire and strives to prepare people and property for wildfire by coordinating efforts on a neighborhood scale.

"Unfortunately, living in a forest like we do in Tahoe means living with the threat of catastrophic wildfire," said Tahoe Fund CEO Amy Berry. "We are so excited to make this terrific film available for everyone to watch for free to learn more about the history of wildfire. It is definitely worth an hour of your time."

To participate in screening with panel on June 11, register HERE.

To view free screening June 5 - June 11, 2020, visit HERE.