Column: Soak up the Sun

(Editor's note: This is the next installment in a regular feature by South Lake Tahoe-based Certified Wellness Coach and Advanced Integrative Therapist Krista Kline. Visit her website at

I am a big believer in balance. Balancing work and play, exercise and relaxation, the to do’s and the to don’ts. Unfortunately, it seems that many times our virtual see-saw gets pretty lopsided and we’re left stranded in the air with toes dangling, or completely weighed down without any way to get on our feet.

So I’m here to discuss the importance, and really, the necessity of finding balance. More specifically I want to advise about the value of taking a break, having some fun, giving your mind and body some rest and relaxation from the everyday routine, the chaos that life sometimes brings, and yes, (gulp, don’t panic!)…from technology.

A few weeks ago I took some time to unplug from all of my normal responsibilities to give my brain and my body a rest from it all. I made a conscious decision to turn off the television, not obsessively check Facebook in order to provide everyone with a play by play account of my time, and to spend some time decompressing and simply enjoying the little things.

On my first day of vacation I spent some time with a friend in Napa which is just what the doctor ordered. I sampled great wine, ate amazing food, took a nice walk and simply enjoyed the day without having to answer to anything or anybody. But if I’m honest with myself (and all of you), in the back of my mind I was already stressing about all the things I needed to accomplish while I had the time. You know, to be productive!

So without learning my lesson after all of these years, on day two, I returned home and bulldozed my way into the rest of my “vacation” with a hefty list of to do’s. After all, I had already “wasted” my first day doing nothing and needed to get to work! Since I wasn’t going anywhere and had opted more for a “staycation” I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to get some things done that had been nagging at me. This list looked something like this: Do laundry, exercise every day, go to Costco for bulk supplies, frame pictures, re-arrange furniture, clean out closets, clean out refrigerator, organize bathroom, put in shelving, hang light fixture, buy and plant flowers, start garden, clean out garage, file paperwork, register car…and oh yeah, write column!!

On day three I stayed in bed until noon reading a fabulously trashy romance novel…and then finished it later in the evening while sitting on my back patio watching the wildlife go by. On day four I managed to take a shower, have lunch with a friend and take a leisurely bike ride around the neighborhood. You get the picture? So can you guess how many of those things on my to-do list I actually managed to accomplish? ZIP! ZERO! Not even ONE of them!

When I finally allowed myself to let go of the rules and expectations I had for my time off, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I did not do laundry. I did not, in fact, clean anything. I did not watch television (a break I highly recommend). I did not organize. I did not write my column (as some of you may have noticed), and I did not register my car (this by far was the biggest mistake I made since I got pulled over and got a ticket! Note to self: Do not avoid ALL responsibilities!).

On the Monday that I started back at work, acknowledging that I probably should have taken two weeks off, I actually felt rested.

Soak up the Sun

I want to soak up the sun
I want to tell everyone to lighten up
I’ve got no one to blame
But every time I feel lame I’m looking up
- Sheryl Crow

So here is what I would like you to consider. Take some time for yourself. Unwind, take a deep breath and reconnect. I don’t care if you do this for a few days, a week or a month. But do it. Find a way. Get a babysitter, a pet sitter, a housesitter and plan a getaway. If you can’t do that, take some downtime at home. UNPLUG! And by this I mean turn everything off — all the things that you think you can’t live without (your television, your FB, your iPhone, twitter account, etc.). See what happens when you don’t have anything that you HAVE to do. Rediscover the magic of connecting with your family, your friends, the outdoors, your pets, a book and even silence.

Each of us needs an opportunity to reboot once in awhile. Our bodies need rest. Our minds need to be recharged and reenergized. Many of us are inundated on a daily basis with life’s stressors, the ever-changing advances in technology, the same routine, the same obligations. We need to shake things up in order to stay healthy, stay happy and ultimately to feel balanced. Because if we don’t have balance we will begin to see its effects…you know like sickness, fatigue, frustration, anger, anxiety, hopelessness. You tell me! You know better than anyone what happens to you.

So what do you plan to do about it? You can of course go on doing what you’re doing. You can continue to find reasons why you can’t take time off for yourself. And I understand that some of you out there may think you are unable to disengage from some of your responsibilities. I get it. You have children, multiple jobs, financial responsibilities that don’t allow you to get away or to go away to some tropical paradise for a week. But you absolutely can, without a doubt, take a break.

Take a look at all of the things you think you HAVE to do, to be a good employee, a good wife/husband, parent, partner, friend…and then look again. Are there things you can say no to? Is there time in there that you can find for yourself?

Please take my advice. Look at your calendar. DO IT NOW. Find some time to take care of yourself and give yourself permission to relax. I mean really relax. Do something you enjoy. Eat something you enjoy. Spend time with people that you enjoy. Or don’t do anything if that’s what your heart desires. And do not, (I REPEAT DO NOT) make a list of all the things you need to do during this precious time. Instead, follow your bliss and enjoy the hour, the day, the week or more if you can. Find some time to simply be.

You'll be happy you did.

I sure was. And I’m already making plans for my next one.

— Writer Krista Kline is a Certified Wellness Coach and Advanced Integrative Therapist. Her mission and passion is to assist individuals in realizing their goals and dreams by clearing away the obstacles that are keeping them stuck. Her unique combination of wellness coaching and AIT helps her clients increase self-esteem, improve relationships, reduce anxiety and fear, transform self-sabotaging beliefs and attain balance and peace. Call (530) 400-6670 now for a free consultation. Visit her website here.

Follow Krista Kline on South Tahoe Now:

— May 18, 2012: Column: As the Song Goes 'It Don’t Hurt'

— April 27, 2012: Column: Every Day is a Winding Road

— March 22, 2012: Column: I’ve got a feeling, I’m not the only one

— March 5, 2012 Column: A Change Will Do You Good

— Feb. 21, 2012 Column: Getting Clear on The Life You Want

— Feb. 14, 2012 Column: Falling in Love All Over Again