Kudos: Elks host Bread & Broth dinner

Every Monday evening at St. Theresa Grace Hall, Bread & Broth serves hot, full-course, nutritious meals to everyone who stops by between 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. Everyone from the community is invited to join the dinner guests and engage in conversation while enjoying the wonderful meals prepared by the talented B&B cooks and served by the dedicated B&B setup/serving crews.

All of this is made possible by the generous donations of each Monday evening’s “Adopt A Day of Nourishment” sponsor. On Monday, September 5th, the Tahoe/Douglas Elk Lodge #2670 hosted the AAD dinner by donating $250 to cover the meal’s costs and sending a sponsor volunteer crew to team to participate in the evening meal’s preparation, serving and cleanup from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m.

Hosting their third Adopt A Day this year, the Tahoe/Douglas Elk Lodge was re- presented by the sponsor volunteer crew consisting of Karen and Jim Plamenig and Jeanne and Roger Barragan. As a regular sponsor volunteer at the Elk Lodge AAD dinners, Roger always states that “the Elks are always willing to help.” Providing dinners to 350 to 400 people a year, is a ‘big’ help to those dealing with hunger and B&B would like to thank the Tahoe/Douglas Elk Lodge #2670 for the many AAD sponsorships hosted by this very generous organization.

For more B&B information, contact Carol at (530) 542-2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

- “Bread & Broth”