Donations needed for Bread & Broth Thanksgiving Dinner

The 29th annual community Bread & Broth Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Monday, November 19 inside Grace Hall at St. Theresa Catholic Church from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The meal is open to all members of the community just as it has been every Monday at Grace Hall since 1989.

Last year 300 pounds of turkey, 100 pounds of stuffing, 50 pies, 50 pounds of carrots, 90 pounds of green beans and bags of sweet potatoes were cooked for about 300 members of the community.

To make it a successful dinner this year, Bread & Broth is asking the community for donations of carrots, celery, mushrooms, onions, oranges, fresh cranberries, sausage, fried onion toppings and butter. Cash donations are also greatly appreciated.

Please make arrangements to drop off your contributions by Wednesday, November 14 at the Church Rectory office on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. With your help, another 300 diners will enjoy a delicious traditional Thanksgiving meal.

For more info, please contact Kathi at 530-600-3605 or

St. Theresa Grace Hall is located at 1041 Lyons Ave., South Lake Tahoe.