South Lake Tahoe Moose Lodge donates $1000 to Family Resource Center

Over the past ten years, the South Lake Tahoe Moose Lodge has donated 50 Christmas food boxes annually to local families, delivering the boxes in recent years to the South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center for distribution to families in need.

These boxes contained a complete Christmas Ham dinner for a family of four, plus enough extra food to last for several additional meals. But, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year the Lodge was unable to hold its normal fundraisers and food collections to put the boxes together.

Instead, the Lodge decided to donate the funds it had already generated through previous fundraisers to the Family Resource Center to use where it would be of the most benefit. On Wednesday, November 25, the Lodge presented a check for $1000 to their Executive Director Bill Martinez.

Established in 1992, the South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center works with El Dorado County Mental Health to provide mental health Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to the Latino and low- income communities of the South Lake Tahoe area. A school-based non-profit organization, the Center also provides basic needs services, educational opportunities, family advocacy and bilingual counseling for children and adults. The Basic Needs program provides food in the form of monthly dry good commodities distribution, weekly bread, eggs, and milk distribution, and free clothing and shoes especially in the winter months. The center provides oral and written translations, and health, housing, and job seeking advocacy. Energy and rental assistance is also available.

In the photo above, left to right: Lodge Governor Mike Kopperschlager and his wife Inge; Family Resource Center Executive Director Bill Martinez; and Dr. Barry Keil, Lodge Administrator.