Kudos: SLT Cancer League thanks STHS student window painters

The South Lake Tahoe Cancer League would like to thank Sage Alexander and Sophia Lamore from the advanced art class of Candy Lincoln at South Tahoe High School for their holiday window painting at their seasonal See's Candy store.

We are also very thankful for the community support for our annual fundraiser, the sale of See’s Candy. We are almost halfway to our goal to earn money to help local cancer patients. The Cancer League drivers pick up the patients at their homes, and drive them to their medical treatment as far away as UC Davis. We also give small grants to the patients as long as they are under treatment by a medical doctor.

The candy store is located next to Beach Hut Deli in South Lake Tahoe at the Y. Come by and admire the window work of Sage and Sophia! Normal hours of operation are noon to 5:30 p.m. Friday, the store will be open until 7:00 p.m. to help after work shoppers. It will also open at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 16th, with a special visitor, Santa, arriving at 10:30 a.m. and staying until noon. Parents are welcome to bring their children for a picture with Santa.

The store will be open seven days a week through Christmas Eve. For more information, call 530/542-4649 or 530/318-6840.