Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Heavenly Mountain Resort

Thanks to Vail’s EpicPromise Grant funding, Heavenly Mountain Resort hosts six Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishments annually. Heavenly’s sixth and final AAD for 2018 was sponsored on December 10th and their $300 sponsorship donation went towards serving a fantastic Greek themed dinner. B&B’s talented volunteer cooks whipped up Greek chicken, a Greek pasta salad, broccoli, and a beautiful Greek salad to be served by the Heavenly sponsor volunteers to the very happy dinner guests.

Heavenly’s sponsor crew volunteers for the evening were Pete Kinkead, Scotty Auld, Chanel Walker, Matt Collins, and Katie Ficeto and all of them serve as members of Heavenly’s Vail EpicPromise Employee Foundation board. Their board role is to help distribute Vail EpicPromise Employee Grant funds to Heavenly employees experiencing emergency situations. Therefore, in addition to helping Vail employees, this group of conscientious volunteers also donated their time and effort to helping feed local community members.

“This experience was amazing and made my year,” commented Pete. “Anytime you can get 100 warm smiles and heart felt ‘thank yous’, you know that there is no better place to be. And you leave with a renewed gratitude and appreciation for what’s really important.”

Bread & Broth would like to express our deepest appreciation for the impact of Heavenly’s funding and the help of their crew members in our efforts to ease hunger in our community.

For more information on B&B’s AAD sponsorships, donating or volunteering, visit B&B’s website www.breadandbroth.org.

- Bread & Broth