Letter: Vacancy Tax / Measure N - Like a Splinter

Sadly, Kelly Bessem is correct when she writes in her recent op-ed: "Lately, the divisiveness that surrounds the Vacancy Tax has gone far beyond standard disagreement and turned into personal attacks."

We CAN get along better than this. We may disagree, but we're all neighbors here in beautiful Tahoe. Yet the vitriol continues.

For this, in large part, I blame the Vacancy Tax Ordinance itself. It has become a truly divisive issue.

My take is that the Vacancy Tax is like a newly acquired splinter. Unwelcome. Unexpected. More annoying than painful. And distracting -- demanding much more attention than it deserves. That's as it stands now.

If Measure N is passed, it will intensify as a dividing force, like that splinter that has been pushed in deeper and has become more painful and more difficult to remove. And has become a threat that could soon bring on a debilitating, swollen, toxic infection.

But if the splinter is quickly removed and discarded, the wound will soon heal and the splinter will soon be forgotten. That's what a No Vote on Measure N would produce.

South Lake Tahoe voters will have a choice in 75 days.
Drive the splinter deeper or remove it.

Please vote NO on Measure N
NO Vacancy Tax.

- Bob Poet