Keith Shannon, the Blarney Man

Event Date: 
November 17, 2018 - 7:00pm

The Celtic Music Series at the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City presents: The Blarney Man in the Maizie Harris Jesse Black Box Theater, this Saturday, November 17, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

Keith Shannon, the Blarney Man himself, is a one-man encyclopedia of favorite Irish ballads and sing-alongs. Jovial and personable, Shannon taps into the rich Irish history of storytelling through song, drawing from traditional and contemporary sources to create a delightful evening of Irish, Scottish and Celtic songs that will have you humming and whistling on your way home.

Shannon is currently playing extensively throughout the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest. Last year, he entertained a near-capacity crowd in the MHJ Black Box Theater and is excited to return to the Brewery Arts Center.

“Blarney” is defined as smooth, flattering talk; often nonsensical... and so it is with the Blarney Man; smooth, flattering song, which is often nonsensical. Keith Shannon will entertain you with songs and stories with a presentation of Irish, Scottish, and Celtic music. The music is inviting and you'll find yourself singing and clapping along in short order. His passion and love of the music is contagious. Keith explained, “If you are Irish, you will find yourself home again--and if you are not, you soon will be!”


Keith Shannon, the Blarney Man
449 W King St, Carson City, NV 89703
United States