bear killing

South Lake Tahoe man pleads "no contest" to killing bear last summer

The 78-year old man responsible for killing a bear found off Pioneer Trail in South Lake Tahoe on July 10, 2015 has pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge of unlawfully taking of a bear.

Appearing in El Dorado County court Friday, Gilbert Wetenkamp admitted to killing the bear that he said in July caused damage to his home over several incidents, and that he feared for his life.

Third ‘Born Bad’ bear from same litter euthanized at Lake Tahoe highlights biology debate

Are some bears just born to be bad? Or do they learn from other bears that raid garbage cans, break into cars and homes and eventually have to be killed because they’ve lost their fear of humans?

Scientists have researched this classic debate over “nature” and “nurture” among black bears for decades, from Yosemite National Park in the Sierra to central Florida and the Adirondacks in upstate New York.

Not enough evidence to arrest anyone in Homewood bear killing

Lake Tahoe residents upset with latest black bear killing

ALPINE MEADOWS, Calif. - The issue of humans living peacefully among the established black bear population at Lake Tahoe has surfaced again after a bruin was trapped and killed last week because...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Stories about bears killed unnecessary

Why is it that almost every time we pick up the Tribune, we have to read about another bear killing? Maybe you should just put out a flyer for that so that people that want to know can keep track? ...

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