
Tahoe Transportation District blog: Winter Driving Tips

With the first snow of the season hitting the Sierra earlier this month, now is as good a time as any to brush up on your winter driving skills. So whether you’re down in the valley or you plan to take a trek over the mountain passes across the Sierra, you need to know what you’re doing or else you could wind up somewhere waiting for the tow truck. While you don’t have to white knuckle drive through ice and snow, it’s a good idea to know what you’re getting into well ahead of the drive.

Tahoe Transportation District blog: Prepare Before the Snow Flies

So you’re going on a road trip and you'll cross some mountain passes. But the weather forecast calls for heavy snow and high winds. If you're going to drive in a snowstorm you'll want to be smart and safe about it. In no particular order and, depending on the circumstances, here are some must items to have in your vehicle courtesy of the Tahoe Transportation District.

Tahoe Transportation District blog: Nevada cracks down on behind the wheel cell use

Just in case you didn’t know, Nevada Highway Patrol began enforcing the state’s new distracted driving law that bans motorists from texting and using hand-held cellphones while driving, Oct. 1.

Finding a Crowd Free Tahoe: Tahoe Weather Discussion

Last February I had the pleasure of interviewing the creator and author of the increasingly popular blog Tahoe Weather Discussion. In that interview, founder Bryan Allegretto shared his unique take...

Don't forget the boss on Monday

Monday is National Boss's Day and since it is Friday you may have not seen the memo about this.

Yes there is a day for the Michael Scott's and Bill Lumbergh's of the world, though the "The Office" and "Office Space" characters are more than likely the parodied exception to today's slash and burn corporate culture rule. This holiday usually falls on Oct. 16 but is celebrated to the closest working day because of the weekend.

Blog: Former Tahoe photographer now living in Beijing returns for visit

Here are two blog items from former Tahoe resident Jonah M. Kessel (, now a freelance visual journalist based in Beijing.

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