Gallery reception
From the streets to the gallery: Arts and Culture El Dorado brings skateboard culture inside “Bad Apples: Skateboarding and the Misfit Culture of EDC”
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 2:38pm
Event Date:
March 17, 2022 - 6:00pm PLACERVILLE, Calif. — From fashion, to street art, to the Olympic Games – skateboarding is a fixture in pop culture worldwide. But at its core, it remains a fast-paced, gritty, DIY, risk-laden sport with its roots in rebellion. Arts and Culture El Dorado has teamed up with Motherlode Board Supply Co. and artist Nate Reifke to create a visual homage to skateboard culture and take a look at its place in El Dorado County’s love of adventure.