genoa historic ghost tours

History Hunt: Nine original street lights remain in Genoa

While many may not know the name of Lillian Virgin Finnegan, they probably know the Genoa Candy Dance.

Lillian is the woman who started the Genoa Candy Dance in 1919 to raise money to purchase street lights for the town. The dance was held at the Raycraft Hotel, and Lillian and other Genoa women made candy to serve at the dance. In the years that followed, the annual dance continued as a way to raise money to pay the town's electric bill for the street lights. It was considered the "Big Event of the Season" by the people in the Carson Valley, Reno and surrounding communities.

Chautauqua of Lillian Virgin Finnegan, Creator of the Genoa Candy

Event Date: 
June 28, 2015 - 10:00am

Chautauqua performer Kim Copél will portray Genoa Candy Dance creator Lillian Virgin Finnegan in a free presentation at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park on Sunday, June 28, at 10:00 ..


Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park
1450 Hwy 88, Minden, NV 89423
United States

Paranormal appearances expected in Genoa

Genoa Historic Ghost Tours & Thin Veil Investigators' present its first paranormal conference March 9-11.Genoa Paracon 2012 begins Friday, March 9 with sign-ins at the Genoa Town Hall followed by a...

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