
Erasing your carbon footprint, from baby steps to leaps and bounds

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Millions around the world participated in the Global Climate Strike this past September, trying to make their voices heard as they called for action.

A reported 7.6 million people took to the streets, the biggest climate mobilization in history. From small villages to big cities, people spoke, walked, joined hands and used their voices in defense of the climate and an end to reliance on fossil fuels.

Customers weigh in on Liberty Utilities in survey

The cumulative results of Liberty Utilities’ quarterly Customer Satisfaction Surveys in 2017 show improvements in corporate citizenship and communications. The survey also showed overall customer satisfaction increased by six points compared to first quarter results.

The online survey is independently conducted by JD Power, and Liberty Utilities’ results are compared with comparable electric utilities in the west. Some highlights of the 2017 survey results show:

Free LED light bulbs and energy audits offered by Liberty Utilities

Liberty Utilities will be at community events around the Lake Tahoe Basin through the end of April where customers can come by and receive free LED light bulbs if they sign up for a free energy audit.

Energy experts will be at the Liberty Utilities booth at these events providing customers with the most up-to-date information about ways they can reduce their energy consumption and, as a result, their energy costs.

- Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber Business Expo. Friday, March 31 from 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Harvey’s

Old Style Household Light Bulbs Soon to be a Thing of the Past

You may not have noticed a lack of old style light bulbs on the store shelves yet, but on January 1st it became illegal to manufacture or import 40 and 60 watt incandescent light bulbs.

Stores are allowed to sell their current stock of the popular general service light bulbs. Some of the incandescent bulbs will still be allowed though, including three way, 150 watt and narrower based candelabra lights.

San Diego State students forego traditional spring break to serve South Lake Tahoe

Event Date: 
March 31, 2013 (All day)

Fifteen students from San Diego State University will forego the typical spring break of beaches and relaxation to teach thousands of children in a small mountain community how to save energy and save the environment.

Members of the student organization CALPIRG Energy Service Corps will travel to South Lake Tahoe, Calif., from March 31 through April 5 to spread the word on energy savings.


South Lake Tahoe, CA
United States

Switching out lightbulbs should reduce S. Tahoe electric bills

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