
Bijou Dog Park reopens after Parvovirus outbreak

The South Lake Tahoe Dog Park located at Bijou Park has reopened.

The park was closed on January 13 as a precautionary measure after several local dogs became infected with Parvovirus. Since then, it has been thoroughly cleaned under the recommendation of the South Lake Tahoe Humane Society.

Parvos outbreak in South Lake Tahoe causes temporary Dog Park closure

There have been 11 confirmed cases of Parvovirus (Parvos) in South Lake Tahoe in the past ten days according to the Lake Tahoe Humane Society.

This virus can be life threatening so, as a precaution, the City of South Lake Tahoe has closed the community dog park located on Al Tahoe Blvd for the next seven to ten days so staff can thoroughly clean it.

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