project 55
On any given day there are 100 South Lake Tahoe kids living away from their parents
Submitted by paula on Wed, 04/15/2015 - 8:50pmThe phone rings late one evening. The person at the other end of the line asks if there is a foster family available for one child for the night.
The person who answered the phone is Megan Ciampa, Regional Manager for Sierra Child & Family Services who is based in their South Lake Tahoe office. She says the hardest part of her job is to say "no" to phone calls like that. Just this week she's had to say "no" to three children and it was only Tuesday night when we talked. "Nothing hurts me more than to say no."
Big Meadow restoration continues along Scotts Lake Trail
Submitted by Editor on Mon, 09/26/2011 - 11:20amBy Cheva Heck
The Forest Service will soon begin removing conifers (cone-bearing trees) from meadow, aspen groves and upland forest areas along Scotts Lake Trail, off Big Meadow Trailhead near Luther Pass on Hwy. 89. The project should not affect access to the trail, but the Forest Service is asking that users remain on the trail at all times. A contractor will use crews with chainsaws for the thinning project, which could begin tomorrow.