super scooper

Smoke plume over Lake Tahoe helps out Fork Fire

EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - The forecast southwest winds didn't materialize Sunday, not changing the behavior of the Fork Fire as expected. The fire, burning in western El Dorado County, has consumed 1,752 acres and containment remained at seven percent. Personnel working at the fire, which started on Tuesday, number 266.

The large plume of smoke about 200 miles wide that came into the Lake Tahoe Basin Sunday afternoon also covered the area of the Fork Fire, allowing the fuel temperatures at the fire to remain low and keeping the spread contained.

Firefighting planes demonstrated in South Lake Tahoe

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Two examples of the newest tools in the fire fighting toolbox stopped by Lake Tahoe Airport on Tuesday to show how they can help in the Sierra, just as they do across the country.

Dauntless Air out of Appleton, Minnesota brought two Air Tractor AT-802F Fire Boss planes to town at the request of the United States Forest Service (USFS) and put on a demonstration for South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue, CalFire and the USFS from both Lake Tahoe and the Tahoe National Forest.

Super Scoopers return to Lake Tahoe Airport

Two Bombardier CL415 firefighting aircraft have returned to South Lake Tahoe for their third summer, using the airport as a base once again to fight fires across the nation.

In 2015 the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) got the aircraft on a five year contract to use at their disposal. They can be used around Lake Tahoe or sent to other states, depending on the need.

Another South Lake Tahoe fire brings out Super Scoopers

5:00 p.m. update: A small fire that broke out west of the Heavenly Gondola Sunday afternoon has been contained. CalFire will remain at the scene for mop up operations.

An area about 40 feet by 25 feet burned before fire fighters responded and put it out. The original call came in at 3:56 p.m.

Montreal Road in South Lake Tahoe, previously closed to allow fire fighters to get into the area, has been reopened. The gondola had also been shut down for a short time as a safety measure.


Lightning caused fire north of Reno burns over 36,000 acres

The cause of all the smoke in the Lake Tahoe Basin, the Virginia Mountains Complex Fire, has now consumed 36,091 acres of trees and sagebrush north of Reno.

Five separate wildland fires make up the group, including the Anderson (8,511 acres), Sage (4,238 acres), Seven Lakes (3,063 acres), and Tule (20,279 acres) Fires. All five fires were caused by lightning on July 28 and are burning within about 20 miles of each other in an arc about 35 miles north of Reno.

Firefighters were able to gain ground on the fires, now having 35 percent of the fire contained.

Super Scoopers back at the airport in South Lake Tahoe

Last summer, South Lake Tahoe was one of the home bases for two Bombardier CL415 firefighting aircraft known as "Super Scoopers," and as of this weekend, they are back again.

The two planes are part of national firefighting efforts, so can be moved at any time depending on needs. They arrived from fighting fires in Alaska, and find the Lake Tahoe area a good base since close to areas susceptible to fire. They are prioritized on a daily basis by the National Interagency Fire Center.

Super Scoopers leave South Lake Tahoe Airport

The three "Super Scoopers" that called South lake Tahoe home this summer left the airport on Tuesday, October 20. One plane is still under contract with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and headed to Oklahoma for the winter while the other two Bombardier CL415 firefighting plans are now off contract with the USFS and flew off to unknown destinations.

The company that owns the planes, Aero-Flite, Inc is located in Spokane, Wash.

Super Scooper back at Lake Tahoe Airport after helping fire

Smokey Bear visited the new Forest Service firefighting aircraft "Super Scooper" at the Lake Tahoe Airport.

During the Kyburz Fire last week, the new addition to the Forest Service was able to drop 36,000 gallons of water at the front line of the fire, helping to keep it under 75 acres.

Each drop of the plane puts 1,600 gallons of water on the fire. The first load for the Kyburz Fire came out of Lake Tahoe, and the rest were from Union Valley Reservoir which was closest to the fire.

"Super Scooper" based in South Lake Tahoe being used in Kyburz Fire

On Monday, the U.S. Forest Service welcomed a Bombardier CL415 firefighting aircraft to the South Lake Tahoe. On Friday, it is already seeing action after being called out to the Kyburz Fire burning just west of Lake Tahoe.

Kyburz Fire now 98% contained; 75 acres burned

The Kyburz Fire is burning about 25 miles west of South Lake Tahoe. It has burned both sides of Highway 50 near and around the American River. It started on Highway 50 near Whitehall.

10 a.m. update 7/27/15:

The Sand Flat Campground has reopened as firefighters can almost total control of the fire lines. They now have 98% of the fire contained.

An updated infrared look at the scene has again reduced the amount burned to 75 acres.

They will not be updating the fire command website after Tuesday as they transfer o a forest Type 4 organization.

"Super Scooper" based at South Lake Tahoe airport

The final celebrity jets were taking off from South Lake Tahoe Tuesday, just as the U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) welcomed in a Bombardier CL415 firefighting aircraft.

Nicknamed "Super Scooper" because it can scoop up 1,600 gallons of water from a lake and drop it on the front lines of a fire.

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