texting and driving

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month – “It’s Not Worth It!”

To save lives and educate all Californians, especially young drivers, about the dangers of distracted driving, the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), California Highway Patrol (CHP), Impact Teen Drivers, and more than 200 law enforcement agencies statewide are working together on increased education and enforcement efforts for National Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April and California Teen Safe Driving Week, the first week of April.

Opinion: Thousands of deadly weapons on the streets of South Lake Tahoe

There are several thousand deadly weapons on the streets of South Lake Tahoe every day.

This may seem like a drastic statement and I want to explain it. I'm not talking about guns or metal clubs, I'm talking about cars.

Have you ever waited at the intersection of Highway 50 and Sierra Blvd? How many times has someone rushed into the intersection against a red light as you were moving with your green light?

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