Column: Simple Ways to Live Happily

I was recently watching the movie Castaway. This time, as I watched, I thought about how it was filmed. As the movie begins, Tom Hanks’ character has a bit of a belly. As the story progresses he becomes thinner and more muscular. I assume the effect was created by filming in reverse; he began as thin and muscular and gained the weight afterward. I began thinking about how easily we can change when we put our minds to it.

My sister and I are both in the health and wellness field. We often discuss lifestyle, diet, workouts and more. As lovers of sweets we both agree that we are unwilling to give up cookies and wine. With that decision we both know that there are consequences, one of which is being less concerned about what we eat and that which we desire. This affects how we look on the outside as well as how we feel within.

Perhaps you noticed a shift in your life as you grew into adulthood.

Responsibilities, marriage, a household and all the things we “need” to do take precedence over the things that fulfill. Fun gets placed on the proverbial back burner. We don’t even notice that this is happening. What finally shed light upon my situation was pain. I was failing at caring for myself. I wasn’t taking care of my body. I was emotionally mistreated at work. I wasn’t doing that which brought me happiness.

We can get so comfortable in habit that we don’t realize we are neglecting ourselves. Focusing upon what needs to happen in our lives blinds us to that which fulfills our lives. How do you live your life? Do you focus upon what you need or that which fulfills? Take some time to do a brief journaling activity: write down all of the things you do each day. Next, sort the list into columns. Decide upon your own labels, or try, “Have to do,” “Doing for others,” “Do for myself,” “No idea why I do this.”

Everyone has things they do, wish they could do, and hope to add into their life to bring more joy, peace and fulfillment. When you review your list reflect upon the items that you do for yourself as well as the other columns. Is there anything on your list that you can shed or ask someone else to do? Is there a way to change your approach to some of the items so they can become things you do for yourself?

A good way to begin creating change is to approach the things you need to do in a new way. Try setting a timer for tasks, scheduling them into your calendar or asking for help. It may also help to time how long each activity takes. We often don’t realize how much time goes into many of our daily activities. Knowing where you are spending your time may help you to evaluate what really needs to be done. You may also begin to notice that you have more time that you thought or can free up time.

Next, add in one fulfilling thing you can do for yourself each day. One of my practitioners enjoys rising to have a cup of coffee and read, another gets up early to go outside and play. Choose something that is simple to do and brings you joy. Start with a small change and observe how it grows into more by fulfilling you. You may even begin noticing that you become a bit more enthusiastic about the items that serve you.

"Simple Ways to Live Happily" will be featured in South Tahoe Now each month.

Jenay Aiksnoras, B.S. Psychology, M.S. Counseling, ERYT500 has owned Lake Tahoe Yoga LTD since 2008. She has been guiding Yoga practitioners since 2005. She developed and practices a unique therapeutic Yoga technique called Realignment Coaching that brings together the practices of Yoga, Ayruveda and Counseling. She has guided practitioners to prevent injury and heal from many physical and mental health needs.