Stateline casinos win over $14 million in January; Net win down 3.8%

Nevada gaming figures for the month of January show the South Shore casinos won $14,139,520, down 3.8% from the previous year. With seven months of the fiscal year completed, year-to-date figures are fairly even with the gaming win 1.55% over the same period last year.

The Carson Valley casinos are up the same percentage the South Shore is down, 3.8%.

The gaming win represents the computed income of casinos before business expenses and taxes.

The Nevada Gaming Control Board's monthly report shows the state being up 7.75%.

The biggest "winner" for the month were our northern neighbors. Casinos in North Lake Tahoe took in 25.79% more than last year, with $1,993,980 taken in. Monetarily, the biggest take, as usual, was the Las Vegas Strip with $576,811,306 in revenues.

Revenues at casinos on the Boulder Strip dropped 15.41%.