City adds another location for electric car owners to charge up

Visitors to South Lake Tahoe have several options to charge their cars, with the newest location added in the City owned Heavenly Village parking garage.

The City partnered with ChargePoint, the largest electric vehicle charging station company, and added a system on the first floor of the garage near the elevator. Users will need to have an account with ChargePoint.

“This is a great way of attracting new visitors with electric vehicles to our community, " said City Manager Nancy Kerry. "Before, range limitations for certain vehicles would interfere with a chance to visit South Lake Tahoe. Now they can drive here and get an ultrafast quick charge and enjoy our City.”

The other South Lake Tahoe charging locations are located in the valet area at Harrah's and Harvey's, at Basecamp Hotel, Heavenly Mountain Resort, Liberty Utilities, Chase International at the corner of Tahoe Keys Blvd. and Highway 50, Tahoe Valley Campground, the El Dorado County offices at Al Tahoe Blvd. and Johnson Ave., the Marriott Grand Residence as well as a couple of AirBnB rentals. Some of these are free or free for guests, and others are fee-based.