Letter: Update on Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church

We are Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church. This is a letter to our community to say that we are still here. Yes, there was a fire that damaged our building but not “the church” (our congregation). We are currently meeting for worship at Temple Bat Yam on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Our church continues to thrive, thanks in a large part to the outpouring of love, concern, and support from you, the community of South Lake Tahoe.

We are blessed to be able to continue in our ministries:
• Our small groups like “Wine and Word” and Men’s Group continue to meet.

• We are able to continue with our Bread and Broth “Second Serving” ministry now at St. Theresa’s Church, Grace Hall while our facility is under repair.
• Our confirmation class for our youth continues to meet.
• Easter Sunrise service is going to be held at Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center.
• We are currently planning for our summer Vacation Bible School program for any children interested in learning about and experiencing God’s love.
• God continues to lavish His provision on us even in our “loss”.

We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to the faith community that has reached out offering to help us: St. Theresa’s for opening up Grace hall so we can continue with our Friday serving of Bread and Broth, Hope Lutheran for opening up their facility to us so we can continue with our youth confirmation classes and worship, and Temple Bat Yam for opening up their temple to give us a place to gather and worship corporately. We would also like to say a special thanks to the Christian Science Church, Sierra Community Church, Tahoe Community Church, South Lake Tahoe Senior Center and others who offered prayer, sanctuary space and office space.

Long story short – our church is alive and well. After all, the church is the people – not the building. We will post updates on our website tahoepres.org as they become available. Rest assured we will be back. When that happens you will be invited to come and see. Until then, we ARE here. Thank you again for you love and support.

Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church.