It's showtime for South Tahoe Middle School and TAP

Young thespians at South Tahoe Middle School (STMS) have been working since March on Giants in the Sky, a musical and magical story about the world of giants who live in the clouds.

Tahoe Arts Project is presenting the play which is performed by ACT One, a new program for STMS South Tahoe Middle School students that helps fill a void for their hunger for creative expression, given the absence of drama and other arts programming available to students at a critical developmental age.

The play opens at Lake Tahoe Community College in their Duke Theatre on Friday, May 18, with a second performance on Saturday May 19. Each show starts at 7:00 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door beginning at 6:15 p.m. Adults are $10 and children, $5. Doors open at 6:30 pm. For more information, please call 530 542-3632 or visit

Over 30 students have been working hard in the afterschool practices since March, all to show the community their talents. They sing and dance while telling the giant's story since they left earth a long time ago. They have made a life up above where their job is to keep the sky beautiful. They polish the stars, poke the clouds to let it rain and paint the sunsets. But there is one curious giant who wonders what life is like on Earth, so she steals a key to the locked up “beanstalk” and embarks on an adventure down below. That life below is much different than the one above.

Giants in the Sky is directed by Richard S. Sargent and choreographed by Kylee Weiss, both South Lake Tahoe locals.