TahoeChamber offers Microsoft Office Classes

Event Date: 
November 5, 2013 - 8:00am

The next two Tech Tuesday courses will focus on tips & tricks for using Microsoft Office suites. These workshops are suitable for all levels of computer skills, particularly businesses and individuals already using Microsoft products who would like to learn to use them more effectively.

In November, Sanne Steele, The Software Consultant and Microsoft Certified partner will be taking attendees on an interactive tutorial of Word, Excel, and Outlook. December’s course will be more graphically oriented, diving into PowerPoint and Publisher.

All are invited to TahoeChamber on November 5, and December 3, from 8-9:30am. These workshops are free for chamber members and just $15 for prospective members. All attendees will be entered to win door prizes including free Microsoft Product Trials, Office Professional 2013 License, and a Windows 8 Pro License. Bring your laptop so you can follow along.

For more information or to register, visit www.tahoechamber.org, email Jessica@TahoeChamber.org, or call 775.588.1728 ext. 312.