LTCC Joins Bread & Broth to Provide Hot Meals for Hungry Locals

A hearty group of volunteers from Lake Tahoe Community College donated their time to Bread and Broth recently, helping to prepare and serve a hot meal to hungry locals as part of the Adopt a Day of Nutrition program. Four LTCC managers donned aprons and kitchen gloves to serve food, prepare giveaway bags, and assist with the cleanup.

As part of its commitment to serve the South Lake Tahoe community, the college “adopts a day” once every quarter, organized by Virginia Boyar, Dean of Instruction and Career and Technical Education. This was the third time LTCC's management team adopted a day, with the goal of giving all managers and administrators the chance to participate. So far, volunteers have included Dean Boyar, Research and Planning Director Aaron McVean, Superintendent/President Kindred Murillo, Dean of Instruction Kurt Green, CDC Director Michelle Sower, Facilities Director Randy Joslin, VP of Instruction Tom Greene, VP of Administrative Services Jeff DeFranco, Computer Services Director Dave Burba, Counselor Tracy Thomas, Financial Aid Director Julie Cathie, and Dean of Student and Academic Support Services Sue Saia.

Saia recently moved to the community from Colorado to start the new academic year in September, and was more than willing to donate her time - as well as the services of her husband, Peter. “This is a great way for our college to be involved with community service,” said Saia. “It was fun to serve the food and to visit with the attendees. The Bread and Broth organization is well organized and efficient, and provides a wonderful meal!”

Bread and Broth’s Adopt a Day program gives local businesses an opportunity to serve the community by picking up the $250 cost to have one hot meal purchased and prepared, and to provide four to five employees to help pull the meal off. Bread and Broth serves two hot meals each week, on Mondays and Fridays.

The Adopt a Day of Nutrition program was started about four years ago, allowing Bread and Broth to more consistently serve meals throughout the year – not just during the holidays. If your business is interested in donating towards and providing staff for a Monday or Friday hot meal, please contact Carol Gerard at (530) 542-2876.