Nevada Highway Patrol to conduct DUI checkpoints in joint effort with Douglas, Washoe, Carson City

With the December holiday season upon us and the upcoming New Year just around the corner, numerous holiday parties and other work and family-related get-togethers will be celebrated and they often involve the consumption of alcohol. In an effort to identify those impaired drivers who may get behind the wheel after consuming too much alcohol, additional NHP Troopers, as well as a multi-agency DUI checkpoint, are being scheduled this month.

With a federally funded “Joining Forces” grant secured by the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety, our agency will be able to schedule and staff additional troopers to patrol our northern Nevada highways on the weekends of December 15th and 22nd. In addition to the extra shifts of troopers being visible on our area highways, the “Joining Forces” grant will pay to facilitate a multi-agency DUI checkpoint scheduled in the Reno area later this month.

The DUI checkpoint will allow deputies from the Carson City, Douglas and Washoe County sheriff’s offices, officers from the Reno, Sparks and Washoe County School District police departments, and Nevada State Troopers to work together as they “join forces” screening vehicles for impaired drivers.

Driving under the influence of alcohol and-or drugs/prescription medication is a preventable crime. Whenever anyone plans on consuming any amount of alcohol, but especially during the holiday season when families, friends and co-workers are celebrating, please plan ahead and designate a safe and sober driver or utilize public transportation. If you are celebrating at a hotel property, plan on spending the night. It is not worth getting arrested for DUI or injuring yourself or an innocent motorist or pedestrian because of a bad choice to get behind the wheel and drive.

“One of the most difficult tasks a law enforcement officer can perform is in the course of his or her duties are briefing family members about the loss of someone they know and love involved in a fatal car crash. Vehicle collisions are so unexpected and the emotional pain and suffering caused to those not involved is regularly seen by us. Please plan on celebrating the holiday season safely and responsibly and designate a safe and sober driver-not someone who has consumed the least amount of alcohol- to get you home without harm.”

— Trooper Chuck Allen is the public information officer for the Nevada Highway Patrol.