South Tahoe High grad honored at Kiwanis Youth Convention

South Lake Tahoe native Kylee Lyons was honored with the Distinguished Appointed Board Award, First Place in Mei Po Wong Overall Service, and Second Place in Outstanding Total Service Hours at the California-Nevada-Hawaii Circle K International (CKI) District Convention this past weekend in Los Angeles. Lyons was the 2018-2019 Small-Scale Service Chair of the CKI chapter at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she is studying to obtain a bachelor's degree in Psychobiology, aspiring to become a Physician Assistant.

"Kylee truly lived up to the 'lead by example standard.' Not only did she plan numerous service events per week, but she also attended these events in addition to other events. She was very present in the club, regardless of what else was happening in her life that week,” said Tyler Saunders, the 2018-2019 Treasurer. “At nearly every event, you would find Kylee there, with a smile on her face. She didn’t let obstacles get in the way of her passion or her vision for the club. If there was low turnout for an event she planned, she’d personally reach out to members to try and fill the spots. If someone dropped out of an event last minute that she wasn’t going to, she’d go herself. If someone needed a driver for an event that no one else could attend, she’d humbly offer to go.”

At the district convention, UCLA CKI placed in five competitive award categories with a total of 16 award acknowledgements, including Distinguished Club and Second Place in Outstanding Total Achievement in the Platinum Division (chapters with more than 110 members).

A 2016 graduate of South Tahoe High School, Lyons began her experience with the Kiwanis Family in the high school branch, Key Club, and served as the 2015-2016 Club President, before attending UCLA. This is her first time to be recognized at a California-Nevada-Hawaii CKI District Convention.

Circle K Internationa is the largest collegiate service organization in the world, with more than 13,000 members in 17 countries. Chartered in 1974, the UCLA chapter falls into the California-Nevada-Hawaii district of the organization, where more than 3200 members serve the community and raise funds for charities. The UCLA chapter, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Monica, is one of the largest chapters in CKI, with 159 members. This past year, the club raised over $11,000 for various charities and volunteered approximately 8,100 service hours.
