Laine sworn in as El Dorado County supervisor, Thomas become board chair

EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - Brooke Laine was sworn to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, January 4, 2023. She takes her role after winning the November election and replacing the termed-out supervisor from District 5, Sue Novasel.

It took just 20 minutes into her term when she had to be the voice of reason as the board decided on its 2023 leadership roles.

During the annual meeting to assign roles, there was an unprecedented move by current First Vice Chair Wendy Thomas, the supervisor from District 3, to suggest roles of chair and vice chair remain the same in 2023. Normally the helm changes each year just as the South Lake Tahoe City Council elects its annual mayor.

Current Chair Lori Parlin from District 4 agreed with Thomas.

The choices for the three positions of chair, first vice chair, and second vice chair are divided among the five, Parlin, Thomas, Laine, Second Vice Chair John Hidahl (1st District), and George Turnboo (2nd District).

"Supervisor Hidahl, when you were the chair the meetings were quite chaotic, we really struggled," said Parlin. She said she was asked by members of the public to bring control and make meetings run orderly.

"I am not really supportive of you having another chairmanship on the board of supervisors," Parlin added.

"I have not had the inputs you have, quite the opposite," said Hidahl. "I'm not sure where your inputs are coming from and totally disagree." He said their management styles are different and he likes to listen more to the public and not cut them off.

Laine said she wanted to err on the side of tradition in moving the vice-chair up to the role of chair, bringing continuity to the county as they move forward.

County CAO Don Ashton gave his notice last year that he would be leaving his position early in 2023.

Turnboo said he was interested in moving up to the second vice chair, and Hidahl said he'd like to become chair again before he terms out in two years.

After all was said and done, it was unanimously voted to have Wendy Thomas as chair, Hidahl as first vice chair, and Turnboo as third vice chair.

Thomas said she is looking forward to the new role of leadership and does not take it lightly. She previously served eight years on the Placerville City Council, two terms as its mayor.

Hidahl said he is looking forward to moving forward and told Laine he looks to her as a leader in good governance.