Students in the Lake Tahoe Unified School District get Monday as an extra day off

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) is making Monday, January 13, 2025, a school closure day. This announcement has caught many by surprise, but the day off has been on the calendar since May 2024.

There are three snow days built into the school calendar each year in South Lake Tahoe. Since students must attend school for 180 days, LTUSD officials find that putting any make-up school days at the end of the school not as efficient as putting them through the school year.

Since there were no snow days before the holidays, January 13 is going to be a day off. The calendar that was approved in May has a "tentative school closure day" for not only this Monday but also May 2 and June 18.

Last year, the makeup days of school had students having a day off for the June Nineteenth federal holiday, then returning for one day on June 20. Extra school days added at the end of the year tend to be less attended and not as valuable education-wise.

The school calendar committee that sets up the calendar for approval by the school board has representatives from the classified and non-classified associations to ensure all sides are involved in setting the holidays and school days.

LTUSD said they didn't intend to make the situation confusing and are sorry for any misunderstanding.

Students are still attending school for 180 days and the day off on Monday does not affect that. If there is a snow day (or more) in the next school term, then students will attend on May 2 for one day, and June 18 for a second day. If there are more snow days, LTUSD applies for a waiver from the State of California.

What has caught some parents off guard is the fact that the makeup snow days were added to the end of the school year. The school calendar committee had the idea to give more value to the school year by adding them into the school year. Also, a snow day in November and December give the first term at the high school one less day to accomplish their work, and the final term students more school days, creating an imbalance.

The last day of school is scheduled to be June 17, 2025. The calendar change is meant to not have kids going to school after the 17th, according to LTUSD Superintendent Dr. Todd Cutler.

To view the school calendars, visit

"In the interest of student learning, the Committee included three snow make-up days dispersed throughout the year, rather than extending the school year. Snow day cancellation make-up days at the end of the year often become nonacademic and unproductive. Additionally, early season snow days reduce South Tahoe High School’s fall term days. By having snow day cancellation make-up days during the first term, we aim to limit this impact," said a notice sent to parents.