Nevada DOT federal transportation funds grants available for nonprofits and agencies
Submitted by paula on Sun, 02/19/2023 - 4:13pm
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is inviting government and non-profit organizations to apply for federal transportation funds available through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).
Through April 14, applications will be accepted for non-traditional, community-based transportation projects that improve safety, expand travel choices, and enhance the transportation experience.
Eligible projects include planning, design, and construction of the following type of improvements:
Bicycle, pedestrian, and non-motorized transportation facilities
Traffic calming, lighting, and safety-related infrastructure
ADA accessibility improvements
Turnouts, overlooks, and scenic view areas
Preservation of historic transportation facilities
Recreational trails and rails to trails
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) infrastructure and coordination
Vulnerable road user safety assessments
Vegetation management and removal of outdoor advertising
Environmental mitigation related to storm water, water pollution prevention, wildlife crossings, and habitat connectivity
Community improvement activities
Micro-mobility projects, including bike and scooter share
These projects are intended to integrate modes and improve the cultural, historic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure.
Governmental and transportation agencies, tribal governments, school districts and individual schools, and non-profit organizations can submit applications.
The Federal Highway Administration funding, administered by the Nevada Department of Transportation, cover up to 95 percent of project-related costs, with the remaining five percent provided by project sponsors as a local match.
TAP projects are selected via a competitive scoring process. For detailed information regarding eligibility, scoring criteria and application instructions, visit and search “Transportation Alternatives.”