Invasive mussels that could impact Lake Tahoe discovered in aquarium product

Zebra mussels that could significantly damage the ecology of Lake Tahoe have been discovered in moss ball products for sale online and in pet stores across the U.S. Since the discovery they are being pulled from shelves, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) said today. These mussels are regarded as one of the most destructive invasive species in North America and an infestation of them could significantly impact the Tahoe region.

Pet stores in the Tahoe region have been contacted by the TRPA's aquatic invasive species (ATS) managers and they are voluntarily taking recommended steps and removing the product.

The agency is coordinating with the western wide “Don’t Let It Loose” program by providing outreach materials and fish bags with imprinted info to pet stores in the Tahoe region.

The TRPA says current information indicates the moss balls are sold both in packaging and pre-placed in tanks with fish for sale together.

Buyers should beware of online moss ball sales as well.

The discovery was made at a pet store in Washington, according to reports. Wildlife agencies in Nevada and California are also taking immediate steps statewide and in neighboring communities. The 2009 Lake Tahoe AIS Management Plan estimates that cumulative impacts from a mussel infestation could cost the region more than $20 million a year.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a webpage with more information, recommended disposal methods, and how to report sightings.