Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday

Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts at exactly at 2:00 a.m. this Sunday, March 13. Turn the clocks ahead one hour if you live in most of the United States.

This time of year serves as a good reminder to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The batteries should be replaced twice a year, so an easy way to remember to change them is to do it as DST begins and ends.

While ancient civilizations adjusted daily schedules to the sun, giving more flexibility than DST, the United States didn't adopt DST like some of Europe and Canada until 1918.

When going from daylight saving time to standard time (turning clocks back one hour), our bodies adjust fairly easily, and effects are rarely more than being a little off-balance for a few weeks. The other way around though, springing forward from standard to daylight savings time is much different.
Springing forward is harder on the body due to body clock shifts. Law enforcement will be on heightened alert for tired drivers.

Californians voted to get rid of daylight saving time in 2018, so why haven't we stopped changing our clocks? The federal government needs to decide if springing forward or falling back is the time everyone will use, so for now we keep standard and DST in California.

So remember: change the time, change your battery!