Process begins to raise parking fines along US50 and SR89

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is kept busy almost every weekend on highways they patrol leading to, and around, Lake Tahoe. There are speeding issues and traffic concerns as with other heavily used roadways, but local CHP officers are kept even busier in the Tahoe area due to illegal parking.

During the winter, travelers pull over on US50 between Strawberry and South Lake Tahoe and on SR89 near Emerald Bay to get out and enjoy the snow. Most of the time they are parking on stretches that are marked as "No Parking" and adjacent to private property.

During the summer, travelers pull over on the highway, mainly SR89, to take in the views and hike. Much of the time they are parking on stretches marked as "No Parking" or parking with their tires over the solid white, fog line which is illegal.

Getting these errant drivers under control has been an annual year-round issue for law enforcement, especially recently with an increase of day-tourists during the pandemic.

The Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) had the same issues on SR28, and its partners were able to get the fine for tickets on this roadway changed through the Washoe County courts. Parking in a "No Parking" zone now comes with a $305 ticket and parking over the fog line has a $538 fine, plus tow fees.

CHP in both South Lake Tahoe and Placerville are working on a similar plan for the problem highways near Lake Tahoe with their partners - El Dorado County Department of Transportation, El Dorado County Sheriff's Office and Caltrans.

In January of 2021, CHP in South Lake Tahoe wrote a total of 400 parking tickets, followed by 142 in February. From Twin Bridges to Meyers, there were 322 parking tickets, 74 at the Lake Tahoe Airport, 50 on Sawmill Road, and 94 between the Y and Tahoma. CHP in Placerville works to Twin Bridges and has most of its issues with winter parking at Strawberry. Since January 1 they have issued 94 parking citations in that area.

CHP advisories over any snowy weekend will reflect the uphill battle law enforcement faces. Once they clear out an area another group of drivers move into the area.

Just a few of the calls over a recent holiday weekend:

2/13/21 - 1:47 p.m. - US50 and Johnson Blvd. - Several vehicles blocking number 2 lane; requested towing (tow truck 45 minutes out).
2/14/21 - 10:42 a.m. - SR89 - Caltrans attempting to open Emerald Bay; Approximate 25 vehicles and big rig parked and blocking gate.
2/14/21 - 11:31 a.m. - Golden Bear Tr - Approximate 12 vehicles parked for sledding and snow play.

Many of the advisories can be seen involving one or two dozen (or more) cars in a group parked illegally.

CHP officers say many times people don't attempt to move their cars until a ticket book is pulled out, or a tow truck is called. Placerville officers often use a bullhorn to alert those playing in the snow they are parked illegally. That normally gets the desired reaction, they said.

"If the tickets are on the State Highway system such as US50 and SR89 then California has all the control. That being said, we are working with CHP to advocate to Caltrans and to increase the fine amounts," said El Dorado County Director Rafael Martinez.

In El Dorado County the parking ticket can come with a $30-$50 fine, something many don't even hesitate to pay due to the convenience it is affording them by a good parking spot, even if it is a dangerous one.

NHP found the same thing on SR28, many drivers didn't mind paying a small ticket that was equal to a daily parking fee in other communities. Now parking in a "No Parking" zone comes with a $305 ticket and parking over the fog line has a $538 fine, plus tow fees.

In 2019, CHP South Lake Tahoe had 100 vehicles towed for parking violations on the highway; 2020 76 vehicles, and so far in 2021, 30 vehicles have been towed.

It is unknown at this time when ticket fines will be evaluated at the state level with the possibility of being increased.