TRPA updates website to improve user experience

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) has upgraded its website,, to improve access to documents, environmental resources, and permit information and to answer the demands of an increasingly online and virtual public, the agency said today.

The TRPA website is the Lake Tahoe Region’s portal and guide for everything from permitting to major projects to environmental stewardship. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the agency has seen a surge in electronic permit applications and has converted nearly 100 percent of its permit applications to an online format, according to the agency.

Other upgrades include:

Significantly improved search functions

Portals to and the online Parcel Tracker, which provides property owners and realtors easy access to information and permit histories for any parcel in the basin

Updated web address from “.org” to “.gov”

Improved speed, security, and accessibility for those with disabilities