Lake Tahoe Unified School District board meeting recap

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The most recent board meeting for the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) was held on March 23, 2023. The meeting can be viewed on the district's YouTube channel HERE.

Here is a recap of the meeting:

During the portion of the meeting with reports by board members, Trustee Larry Reilly hosted on March 15 at South Tahoe High School. He noted that over 150 people attended and thanked participants for their honest dialog.

Associate Superintendent Dr. Alan Reeder noted that next year’s event is already planned for March 20, 2024.

South Tahoe High Principal Zunino recognized winter season coaches and student-athletes for their outstanding achievements. Coach Mike Neiger
highlighted basketball superstar Ivy Gonzalez as she earned the AAA
North Western Division MVP award. Mr. Zunino introduced wrestlers Kash
Hendrick and Patrick Webster - Kash took second at state and Patrick
took third. Ski coach David Jones showed off the academic awards that
both the girls' and boys' teams earn ski racing this year. They are pictured above.

Staff members from Meyers Elementary, Elevated Digital Learning Academy, and Mt. Tallac provided board members with updates on their Single Focus Plans at each site. The principals and staff reported positive feedback about the progress and noted that student test scores and attendance were improving as a result of their efforts. Brett Hardesty and Pam Johnson, students at Mt. Tallac High School, spoke about the positive impact Mt. Tallac is having on their lives.

Joe Byrd from Infinity Systems presented the results of 2022-2023 Orgametrics and Equimetrics staff surveys. He noted that scores are improving. This indicates that the District is moving in a positive

Dr. Alan Reeder presented the results of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). LTUSD is in year two of the three-year LCAP. The LCAP is a district's three-year improvement plan which involves studying achievement data, collecting input from an LCAP Staff Task Force, an LCAP Parent Advisory Group, and an STEA LCAP Advisory group. Additionally, LTUSD uses survey data to help guide the LCAP work.

Human Resources Director John Simons informed the Board about the South Tahoe Educators Association Sunshine 2023-24 items for negotiations for the 2023-2024 school year. The Sunshine items are Article XI, Unit Member Hours, and Article XX, Grade Span Adjustment.

The Board approved the FY 2022-23 Transportation Plan and the Audit
Report for Measure G Bond for the Year Ended June 30, 2022.

In the photo above of student-athletes and coaches: Pictured left to right: Mike Neiger, Trustee Reilly, Ivy Gonzalez, President Mansfield, Kash Hendrick, Trustee Turnbull, Patrick Webster, Owen Kushlan, Trustee Kemper, Evan Habaradas, David Jones, Trustee Hetherton, Tom Mauer and Justin Zunino.