Tahoe Paradise Park starts fundraising for new project

Tahoe Paradise Park has announced a permanent restroom project for the park. With 50 percent funding support from the per capita project of California State Parks, Tahoe Paradise Park is currently fundraising to build the matching funds required to complete the new project in 2022. The total cost of the project is $364,000.

The new restroom will be built near the existing park host site, and will be open year-round for benefit of park users. In addition to a restroom, the project includes a filtered water bottle fill station, additional bike parking area, and a charging facility for e-bike users.

As with the rest of the basin, Tahoe Paradise Park has seen visitor count triple over the past several years. Construction of the San Bernardino bike path across the Upper Truckee River into the park (currently in planning, slated for construction 2022/2023) will provide direct access to the park from Washoe Meadows and the Upper Truckee neighborhood. This improved accessibility will bring more visitors to the park as part of an extended bike loop in the South Lake Tahoe region.

Tahoe Paradise Park offers beautiful lake and river-side picnic facilities, pickle-ball, tennis, playground, disc golf and hiking recreation for the community and visitors. The Park seeks assistance to find matching funds to complete the restroom project, and is engaging multiple vectors of fund-raising this year. They encourage everyone visiting the park to help.

Project flyers with QR code’s to donate are posted in the park, and will be popping up at businesses across South Lake Tahoe in the coming months. Park social media and news releases will announce upcoming events; planning is evolving per COVID-restrictions, and will be announced as dates can be firm for continuation of park music and event activities.

For more information on the park visit their website http://www.tahoeparadisepark.com/ and Facebook Page.

To donate, visit HERE.