Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care annual volunteer signups now being accepted

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The 2023 volunteer season starts soon at Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care (LTWC). Anyone wishing to help out at the nonprofit must go through this training.

Each year, LTWC cares for hundreds of wild birds and animals. Their dedicated animal care and operations teams, along with seasonal volunteers, provide the needed medical care, nourishment, and skill-building to ensure a patient’s successful return to the wild.

Volunteers are trained in animal intake, food prep and feeding, safe handling protocols, and facility hygiene. Animal care shifts are conducted under the supervision of our Animal Care and/ or Operations teams.

Registration Day is Saturday, April 15. There are a finite number of spaces, and registration fulfillment is on a first-served basis.

Sunday, May 7, is the 2023 volunteer group on-site training day. You must be able to attend to be a part of this year's team.

Volunteer Requirements

- Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
- Volunteers must attend the two-day volunteer orientation.
- Volunteers must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
- Volunteers must be able to follow detailed instructions and procedures, take direction, and work with a team.
- Volunteers must fill out, sign, and turn in all required documents as requested by LTWC.
- New volunteers must pay a one-time sign-up fee of $75 which includes training materials, LTWC logowear, and a LTWC Membership.

For more information, visit