El Dorado County Supervisors sending TOT increase to the voters; allocate $7.6M in current TOT funds

EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - During their special budget meeting Monday, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors approved an allocation of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) funds and approved a ballot measure that would increase the TOT tax in El Dorado County.

They will be asking voters to support a special tax increase charged to those using motels, hotels, and vacation home rentals for the West Slope, going from 10 percent TOT to 12 percent TOT, and from 10 percent to 14 percent in the unincorporated areas of Lake Tahoe.

The increase of TOT from 10 percent to 14 percent on visitors of vacation home rentals, hotels, and motels in the unincorporated portion of the Tahoe Area of El Dorado County would provide an estimated additional $2,500,000 annually, solely dedicated to snow removal and maintenance of existing roads in the unincorporated portion of the Tahoe Area.

The two percent West Slope increase would generate approximately $340,000 of additional revenue annually, solely dedicated to the maintenance of existing roads in the unincorporated portion of the West Slope.

These tax increases would be paid by visitors, and the items on the ballow would have to pass by a two-thirds vote.

In that same meeting, the supervisors provided direction to the Chief Administrative office on the allocation of a large amount of remaining TOT funds. The 2022-23 recommended budget will come before the supervisors for approval at the June 6 meeting. These TOT revenues are meant to fund the impacts of tourism, economic development, and are used in support of tourism and promotion activities and veterans programs.

“The County is in a unique position of having a considerable amount of unspent TOT revenue from the current budget year,” said Board Chair Lori Parlin. “As a result, even with an eye toward the increase in inflation and interest rates which may result in an economic downturn, the Board is pleased to make significant allocations to our Fire District partners throughout the County and the Tahoe Transportation District which is impacted by the influx of 20 million visitors annually.”

TOT revenue has increased from $2M to $8M in the last six years. Approximately 78 percent of TOT revenue comes from the Tahoe area and 22 percent from the West Slope. The CAO projects $8.25M and $5.9M fund balance (unspent allocations and revenue in excess of funds from 2021-22) providing a total of $14M for allocation for 2022-23.

The Board agreed to meet the prior year’s commitment of $6.4M and directed the remaining $7.6M to fulfill requests entities including:

• Fallen Leaf Lake CSD Fire - Equipment
• Lake Valley Fire - Direct Response Cost and Equipment
• North Tahoe and Meeks Bay Fire - Equipment
• El Dorado County Fire – Direct Response Cost and Equipment
• El Dorado Hills Fire - Equipment
• Diamond Springs Fire - Equipment
• West Slope Four Fire District – Equipment
• Tahoe Transportation District (Paratransit Service, Microtransit Service)
• Tahoe Ambulance JPA Building Construction
• Tahoe Paradise Park Bike Path Restrooms
• DOT Additional Snow Plow/Road Maintenance Funding
• DOT Class I Bike Path Snow Removal
• Sheriff Helicopter operation and maintenance for one year
• Treasurer Tax Collector TOT Collection Program Cost Recovery
• Parks (Diamond Springs Sports Complex, Chili Bar Resort Cleanup & Restoration)

“This direction appropriately allows for 55 percent of the TOT revenue to be allocated to our partners and County operations in the Tahoe area which historically is responsible for the vast majority of tourism in El Dorado County,” said Parlin. “Of the remaining funds, 30 percent will be provided to County departments and entities throughout the County, and 14 percent specifically to the West Slope to help offset the increasing impact of tourism to our County.”