Single lane closures on Kingsbury Grade as NDOT conducts repairs

STATELINE, Nev. - Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) will be replacing roadside drainage berms and guardrail along Kingsbury Grade beginning May 2.

From 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays from May 2 through mid-June, one-way traffic will be in place on sections of the roadway as traffic flaggers and pilot cars alternate directions of travel. The work will take place on small sections of the Carson Valley side of Kingsbury Grade.

While most travel delays will be minimal, up to 30-minute delays are possible through the work zones. Bicyclists are advised to seek alternate routes when possible.

Crews will also be on Geiger Grade doing the same repairs. They will be working from the base of Geiger Grade to the northwest of Virginia City.

Aging and eroded roadside asphalt drainage berms will be replaced for enhanced drainage. Sections of damaged guardrail will also be replaced. Both improvements will enhance roadway safety for drivers.

Over recent years, NDOT has also installed more than 1,500 linear feet of new storm drain pipe and reinforced additional aging roadway drainage pipe and roadway drainage inlets on Kingsbury Grade.

Additional state highway information is available at or by calling (775) 888-7000. Also follow @NevadaDOTReno on Twitter for traffic and project updates in northern Nevada, and @nevadadot on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for updates from across the state.