Letter: Tamara Wallace is a shining example of a dedicated parent, positive force for youth

As an educator with LTUSD for over 22 years, I have a sincere appreciation for the shared partnership between teachers and parents in our schools. Tamara Wallace is a shining example of a parent who has made education a priority demonstrated through her commitment and dedication to our community schools. As a mother of 5, Tamara Wallace has been actively engaged in supporting all aspects of her children’s lives from education, to sports and the arts, to her direct involvement in countless extracurricular activities to support not only her children but all youth in South Lake Tahoe.

Mrs. Wallace has been a positive force for youth in our community and an exceptional role model for her own children who in turn also make extraordinary contributions to our community.

Mrs. Wallace has made significant contributions to our community including: coaching girls wrestling, being an exceptional Team Mom, chaperoning endless field trips, volunteering whenever necessary, and serving on behalf of fundraising efforts to support athletics and arts. Without reservation, she has shown her support in innumerable ways for various community projects and programs all while being a steady, successful leader.

I hope that you will give Tamara Wallace every consideration for County Supervisor as she has already proven her remarkable qualifications in all aspects of excellence, commitment to service, and leadership.

Ms. Heather Hart, M.S.Ed.
Content Area Specialist, LTUSD