LTUSD English learner services progress report

Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) English Learner Services is excited to share a progress report on this year’s work in support of students learning English. This work continues as part of our districtwide systems for serving multilingual learners and in response to input from students, staff, families, and our community.

Accomplishments this year include:

Protected time at every districtwide for students to receive targeted instruction developing their academic English; a secondary focus on removing barriers to enrollment in honors and advanced placement work.

Yearlong professional learning for all teachers and administrators on the California English Learner Roadmap principles and best practices in partnership with the Sacramento County Office of Education.

Increased access to translation services for students, staff, and families; increased opportunities for parent engagement including monthly English Learner Advisory Committees, Bilingual Nights of Family Learning, the Parent Institute for Quality Education, and the Latino Family Literacy Project.

Selection by the California Department of Education to receive the Dual Language Immersion grant supporting our Two-Way Bilingual Immersion program.

We are pleased to highlight significant progress on the LTUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan Goals and Metrics for multilingual learners, along with those that have successfully exited the English Learner (EL) program.

This includes a 95 percent increase in enrollment in Advanced Placement, honors, and LTCC Dual Enrollment courses, an 89 percent increase in attainment of the California State Seal of Biliteracy, and a 91 percent increase districtwide in the number of multilingual learners meeting the state requirements to be reclassified as Fluent English Proficient.

Additionally, in a survey response for parents of multilingual learners, foster youth, and families with reduced income, 85 percent agreed that they have opportunities to participate in programs for their students.

LTUSD is deeply committed to discovering and fostering the unique talents and potential of all students, and in service to this vision, invite your participation in our upcoming community forum on May 23, from 6 p.m-7 p.m. at the LTUSD district office.