Column: Depression screenings as preventative care

Over the past 15 months, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly changed our delivery of health care. As health systems and communities focused on managing the pandemic, people began to forgo their normal preventive care. Additionally, mental health concerns due to isolation and other social changes as a result of the pandemic became apparent. Addressing mental health issues is a high priority for Barton Health and as it is frequently identified as an area of need in our Community Health Needs Assessment.

Depression screening is an important tool to bring awareness to this issue, and it is the first step in identifying a need so that patients can be connected to care. People are routinely screened for heart disease, diabetes, and cancers, as a way to detect serious illness early and start treatment as needed. Similarly, depression screenings are becoming a normal part of preventive care.

Depression affects many adults, adolescents, and children. In 2017, The National Institute of Health found the prevalence of Major Depressive Episodes in the United States to be 7.1% among adults and 13.3 percent among adolescents. Over the past two years, providers at Barton Community Health Center, Barton Pediatrics, and Barton Primary Care at Stateline Medical Center worked to increase adult and adolescent depression screening and have screened nearly 55 percent of their adult and 70 percent of their adolescent patients. Barton providers understand the importance of depression screening as a first step for patients and providers to begin to address mental health together as a care team.

Who Should Get Screened?

All people, age six and older, can be screened for depression. People suffering from depression may experience the following symptoms:

● A persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
● Sleeping too little, early-morning awakening, or sleeping too much
● Reduced appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain
● Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
● Restlessness or irritability
● Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
● Fatigue or loss of energy
● Thoughts of death or suicide

For patients who screen positive, a provider may work with the patient or patient’s family to discuss treatment options and a plan for recovery and stability, including a referral to a physician or community resource.

Robert Randolph is the Operations Manager of Population Health and Wellness, Behavioral Health and Telehealth at Barton Health. For a list of area resources and crisis lines, or to learn more visit