Meyers Advisory Council meeting June 7

MEYERS, Calif. - The next Meyers Advisory Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 4 p.m. at the Lake Valley Fire Training Center in Meyers. It will also be available remotely at

The agenda:
1. Consent Calendar - Staff recommending the Council approve the Meyers Advisory Council Meeting Minutes from April 5, 2023.

Update from Supervisor Laine


Open Forum

Chair recommends the Council do the following:
2. Receive and file a presentation from Melanie Shasha, Sr. Planner with Tahoe Planning and Stormwater Division, on a submitted pre-application (PA23-0006) for a proposed warehouse project on Assessor's Parcel Number 034-322-006, located on Magua Street; and discuss PA23-0006 and provide comments on the proposed project.
3. 23-1112. Chair recommends the Council discuss and vote on the formation of Ad Hoc Committees and appoint Members of the Council to each Ad Hoc Committee.
4. 23-1113. Chair recommending Member Abravanel lead the Council in a
discussion on a potential Business Improvement District (BID) in Meyers.
5. 23-1114. Chair recommending the Council receive and file an update from
Member Dayberry on the Visitor's Center in Meyers.
6. 23-1116. Chair recommending the Council receive and file an update from
Member Cardinale on Tahoe Paradise Park.

Agenda and backup digitally at