Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church joins the ranks of Earth Care Congregations

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church has announced its certification as an Earth Care Congregation by the Presbyterian Church (USA) Hunger Program. This esteemed recognition is a testament to the church’s dedication to environmental stewardship.

A Yearly Pledge for the Planet - To achieve this honor, the church has meticulously tracked and demonstrated progress in various earth care initiatives through worship, education, facilities management, and community outreach.  This certification is not just an accolade but a promise renewed each year to uphold the sacred duty of caring for God’s creation.

A Call to Collective Action - Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church now stands united with 331 other Presbyterian churches that have embraced the challenge to answer God’s call to care for the Earth.

“We are not just a congregation; we are a community of action, inspired by our Christian faith to safeguard the environment,” says Pastor Greg Hughes.

The church extends an open invitation to other congregations and community organizations to join hands in this noble pursuit.

Join the Movement - For those inspired to partner with the Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church or to learn more about their Earth Care initiatives, please reach out at (530) 544-3757 or by email to

Together, we can cultivate a greener, more sustainable future for all.