Kudos: Liberty promotes community service involvement and sponsors Monday Meal

As a Liberty team member, volunteering for service projects and supporting charitable organizations is an important factor in being a Liberty employee. Every year, Liberty team members are allocated 24 hours to volunteer their time to support local community volunteer events. Fortunately, for Bread & Broth, serving at a Monday Meal is one of their favorite volunteer opportunities and provides the Liberty crew members an excellent opportunity to interface with the recipients of their charitable giving.

For the past several years, Liberty has been sponsoring six Adopt A Day of Nourishments annually, and normally, four to five Liberty team members join the B&B volunteers to provide a hot, nutritious, full-course meal to the dinner guests. On June 24, Liberty sponsored its third meal for the year and donated $350 to help cover the costs of the dinner.

“Liberty staff always loves to volunteer at Bread & Broth’s Monday Meal,” shared Frank Papandrea, Environmental Specialist at Liberty. “It is so rewarding to hear all of the ‘thank you’ comments from the dinner guests.” Frank is a frequent volunteer at B&B’s Monday Meal and has been volunteering for over 10 years and shared that “B&B’s Monday Meal is a “well-oiled machine that gets better every time!” In addition to Frank, Matt Dalgetty, Data Analyst; Blaine Ladd, Engineer; and James Martin, Billing Specialist; made up Liberty’s AAD volunteer crew.

Serving those in need a great meal and giving out food ‘giveaway’ bags filled with dairy products (milk, eggs, butters), fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, breads, desserts, and an array of basic staples is a really heart-warming experience. According to Matt, who can’t wait to volunteer at a B&B Monday Meal again, “We had an excellent evening serving the community a delicious dinner.”

Thank you to Liberty’s Adopt A Day volunteer crew members for their outstanding service and to Liberty for their excellent commitment to serving those in need in the Lake Tahoe South Shore community.

For information on volunteer and donation opportunities, please www.breadandbroth.org.

- Bread & Broth