Fire updates on Pay Fire and Royal Fire

There were two fires in areas adjacent to the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, the Pay Fire and the Royal Fire, and neither are causing any concerns at this time.

There will be no more updates from Cal Fire on the Pay Fire that burned near Placerville. The fire remains at 77 acres and is 95 percent contained. Crews will be transitioning to patrol status, regularly monitoring the fire area to ensure it remains fully extinguished. "A huge thank you to all the fire personnel and cooperating agencies who worked tirelessly in the heat, day after day, to get this fire under control. Thank you also for the kind words of encouragement on social media, your friendly greetings in town, and the thoughtful homemade signs. Your support means so much to us," said the Cal Fire Amador El Dorado Unit on social media.

In the Tahoe National Forest: The Royal Fire southwest of Truckee: Containment: 30% Acreage: 215. On Wednesday, crews made good progress and successfully constructed a combination of dozer line and handline around the fire perimeter. Fire behavior has been moderate with minimal smoke output.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation. Evacuation warnings remain for the community of The Cedar’s. No additional evacuation warnings or orders were issued today.

The Tahoe National Forest is in unified command with Placer County Sheriff’s Office, CAL FIRE/Placer County Fire, and Placer County Office of Emergency Services on the Royal Fire incident.