Tamarack Fire over 50,000 acres but firefighters gain 4% containment

5:30PM UPDATE: The spot fire east of Hwy 395 near Holbrook Junction has been growing rapidly despite firefighters’ diligent efforts to contain it. Aerial resources estimated the spot at about 2,500 acres as of 4:10 p.m. Firefighters on the ground and aircraft continue to battle the growing spot under exceptionally difficult weather and fuel conditions.

4:10PM UPDATE: The Tamarack Fire has jumped US395. Evacuations have been issued for all residents in the Topaz Ranch Estates and Topaz Lake areas. All residents are being asked to evacuate to Smith Valley High School.

Emergency warnings are being sent to cell phones. Do not wait for emergency personnel to come to your door, although deputies are in the area asking residents to leave the area now. Highway 395 is now closed from China Springs Rd. to the NV/CA state line, and at 395 and SR208.

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There was active fire behavior yesterday afternoon on the Tamarack Fire with crowning, short crown runs and prolific spotting as the winds built up. Fuels remain extremely dry. The fire grew about 10,000 acres yesterday to approximately 50,129 acres. It pushed to US395 and burned north and south along the highway but did not cross it. Active fire also pushed towards, but didn’t cross, SR-88 as firefighters were able to keep the fire south of the highway. Both SR-88 and SR-89 remain closed in the fire area to all traffic except incident personnel. A portion of US395 closed yesterday for firefighter and public safety.

Over 800 people have been evacuated and over 500 structures are threatened. The fire is at 4 percent containment in Division K. The containment line is along the Carson River Road Corridor and portions of Diamond Valley Road.

There are over 1,200 personnel working on the fire and more resources are on order. Firefighting operations continued throughout the night. Night operations include structure protection and firing operations when conditions are right.

The objective for managing the fire is full suppression, and all efforts will be directed towards meeting that objective with public and firefighter safety as the highest priority. Uncontrolled fire with extreme fire behavior continues to be a threat to surrounding communities, public, and firefighters.
The Alpine County Sheriff’s Office has lifted the mandatory evacuation order for the Hung A Lel Ti Community.

For evacuation notice specifics in Alpine and Douglas Counties visit: https://www.alpinecountyca.gov/AlertCenter.aspx?AID=EVACUATION-INFORMATION-53 and


Highway 395 is closed from China Spring Road to the NV/CA Stateline, and at 395 and SR208. Highway 89 is closed at the intersection of Highway 4 and 89. State Route 88 is closed in California. For road closure specifics visit https://roads.dot.ca.gov/ and https://nvroads.com/.

For closures and fire restrictions on National Forest lands, visit

https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/htnf/alerts-1069notices/?cid=fseprd573309 .