Kudos: Local community member sponsors Bread & Broth Monday Meal

“The Bread & Broth crew is always a delight to work with, the food is incredible, and the people we served are always friendly and grateful,” shared Janet McDougall at Bread & Broth’s (B&B) dinner on Monday evening, July 15. Janet was the evening’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsor and her good friends, Flori Curran and Kathy Maston, volunteered along with Janet to serve as Adopt A Day (AAD) volunteer crew members. “It’s a privilege to serve,” added Janet.

Janet is one of several individuals who have been sponsoring Bread & Broth Monday Meals over the years and has always been extremely supportive of B&B’s mission to ease hunger in the South Lake Tahoe community. Since 2011, B&B’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment Monday Meal sponsorship program has provided donors the ability to both financially support an evening meal but also participate and experience the impact that the free, restaurant-quality meal has on the lives of those enjoying the communal dinner.

Everyone in the community is invited to the Monday Meals and the number of the meals served has gradually been increasing since the meals resumed after a two-year hiatus caused by the Covid pandemic. Currently, the number of dinner guests has been averaging around 115 dinner guests per meal with the highest serving being 130 dinner guests back in January. The dinners are enjoyed by seniors living on fixed incomes, struggling families, low-income wage earners, students, and those who are looking to enjoy a hot, nutritious meal.

“Our family really appreciates both the hot meal and the bags of food we are given to take home,” commented one of the evening’s dinner guests as he was enjoying the evening’s meal of baked chicken leg, sautéed zucchini, mac & cheese salad, green salad and choice of drink and dessert.

Thank you to Janet and her AAD crew members for helping to make the meal possible and cheerfully and selflessly volunteering their time to help setup the meal, man the serving line, and help with the meal’s takedown and cleanup. However, their biggest contribution was their smiling faces and genuine compassion for those they served.

For information on volunteer and donation opportunities, please www.breadandbroth.org

- Bread & Broth